Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint: fast and accurate
gradient estimation in Neural ODE

(ICML 2020)

Juntang Zhuang, Nicha Dvornek, Xiaoxiao Li, Sekhar Tatikonda, Xenophon Papademetris, James S. Duncan ,

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Neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) have recently attracted increasing attention; however, their empirical performance on benchmarktasks (e.g. image classification) are significantlyinferior to discrete-layer models. We demonstratean explanation for their poorer performance is theinaccuracy of existing gradient estimation methods: the adjoint method has numerical errors in reverse-mode integration; the naive method directly back-propagates through ODE solvers, but suffers from a redundantly deep computation graph when searching for the optimal stepsize. We propose the Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint(ACA) method: in automatic differentiation, ACA applies a trajectory checkpoint strategy which records the forward-mode trajectoryas the reverse-mode trajectory to guarantee accuracy; ACA deletes redundant components forshallow computation graphs; and ACA supports adaptive solvers. On image classification tasks, compared with the adjoint and naive method, ACA achieves half the error rate in half the training time; NODE trained with ACA outperforms ResNet in both accuracy and test-retest reliability. On time-series modeling, ACA outperforms competing methods. Finally, in an example of the three-body problem, we show NODE with ACA can incorporate physical knowledge to achieve better accuracy.

Problems with exisiting methods

Adjoint method suffers from numerical error

The adjoint method takes the end-time state from forward-mode trajectory as initial value, and solves the ODE in reverse-time. Due to errors in numerical ODE solvers, the reconstrcuted trajectory can NOT match the forward-time trajectory exactly. This further causes error in gradient estimation.

Naive method suffers from deep computation graphs

The naive method records all computation process, hence requires a huge memory. It back-propagates through all computation graph, including the adaptation of stepsize; while this is unnecessary, we only need to back-propagates through the "accepted stepsize" and ignore the stepsize adaptation process. Hence the naive method suffers from deep computation graphs, which is likely to cause exploding or vanishing gradient issues.

Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint method

In automatic differentiation, ACA applies a trajectory checkpoint strategy which records the forward-mode trajectoryas the reverse-mode trajectory to guarantee accuracy; ACA deletes redundant components forshallow computation graphs; and ACA supports adaptive solvers.


Image Classification

Predict the trajectory of a three-body system of UNKOWN masses