Multiple-shooting adjoint method for

whole-brain dynamic causal modeling

(IPMI 2021)

Juntang Zhuang, Nicha Dvornek, Sekhar Tatikonda, Xenophon Papademetris, Pamela Ventola , James S. Duncan ,

Paper Code Package Citation


Dynamic causal modeling (DCM) is a Bayesian framework to infer directed connections between compartments, and has been used to describe the interactions between underlying neural populations based on functional neuroimaging data. DCM is typically analyzed with the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. However, because the inversion of a large-scale continuous system is difficult when noisy observations are present, DCM by EM is typically limited to a small number of compartments (less than 10). Another drawback with the current method is its complexity; when the forward model changes, the posterior mean changes, and we need to re-derive the algorithm for optimization. In this project, we propose the Multiple-Shooting Adjoint (MSA) method to address these limitations. MSA uses the multiple-shooting method for parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations (ODEs) under noisy observations, and is suitable for large-scale systems such as whole-brain analysis in functional MRI (fMRI). Furthermore, MSA uses the adjoint method for accurate gradient estimation in the ODE; since the adjoint method is generic, MSA is a generic method for both linear and non-linear systems, and does not require re-derivation of the algorithm as in EM. We validate MSA in extensive experiments: 1) in toy examples with both linear and non-linear models, we show that MSA achieves better accuracy in parameter value estimation than EM; furthermore, MSA can be successfully applied to large systems with up to 100 compartments; and 2) using real fMRI data, we apply MSA to the estimation of the whole-brain effective connectome and show improved classification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) vs. control compared to using the functional connectome.


The multiple-shooting method [1] is an extension of the shooting method to long time-series; it splits a long time-series into chunks,and applies the shooting method to each chunk. Integration of a dynamicalsystem for a long time is typically subject to noise and numerical error, whilesolving short time-series is generally easier and more robust.As shown in the right subfigure of Fig. 1, a guess of initial condition at time t0is denoted as z0, and we can use any ODE solver to get the estimated integral curve z(t), t∈[t0,t1]. Similarly, we can guess the initial condition at time t1 as z1, and get z(t), t∈[t1,t2] by integration as in Eq. 3. Note that each time chunkis shorter than the entire chunk, hence easierto solve. The split causes another issue: the guess might not match estimationat boundary points. Therefore, we need to considerthis error of mismatch when updating parameters, and minimizing this mismatcherror is typically easier compared to directly analyzing the entire sequence.

Experiments on non-linear dynamical systems

Since neither the multiple-shootmethod nor the adjoint state method requires the ODEfto be linear, our MSA can be applied to general non-linear systems. Furthermore, since our implemen-tation is in PyTorch which supports automatic differentiation, we only need to specify f when fitting different models, and the gradient will be calculated automatically. Therefore, MSA is an off-the-shelf method, and is suitable for general non-linear ODEs both in theory and implementation.

Application to whole-brain dynamical causal modeling

We use the AAL atlas [20] containing 116 ROIs. For eachsubject, the parameters for dynamic causal modeling as in Eq. 10 is estimatedusing MSA. An example snapshot of the effective connectome (EC) during thetwo tasks is shown in Fig.6, showing MSA captures the dynamic EC during different tasks.